Jisan "Mari" Lee, RN, Ph.D
Associate Professor, Gangneung-Wonju National University, Department of Nursing
[36] 10/2024
Healthcare informatics research
"Service Design and Evaluation of OpenNotes for Craniofacial Deformity Management in Patients and their Caregivers. "
Kim, H., Lee, J., Kim, S., & Kim, D. Y. (2024). Service Design and Evaluation of OpenNotes for Craniofacial Deformity Management in Patients and their Caregivers. Healthcare informatics research, 30(4), 333–343. https://doi.org/10.4258/hir.2024.30.4.333
[35] 08/2024
Journal of Health Informatics and Statics
"User Interface Design and Usability Evaluation of a Mental Health Mobile
Application for Healthcare Workers: A Nursing Informatics Perspective"
Ji, Y.-A., Kim, G., & Seo, J.-H. (2024). Transforming medical communication education: The effectiveness of generative AI education using ChatGPT. Journal of Health Informatics and Statistics, 49(4), 332–338. https://doi.org/10.21032/jhis.2024.49.4.332
[34] 08/2024
Journal of Medical Internet Research
"Development and Validation of a Mobile-Centered Digital Health Readiness Scale (mDiHERS): Health Literacy and Equity Scale"
Kim H, Schnall R, Yoon N, Koh SJ, Lee J, Cheon JH. Development and Validation of a Mobile-Centered Digital Health Readiness Scale (mDiHERS): Health Literacy and Equity Scale. J Med Internet Res. 2024 Aug 13;26:e58497. doi: 10.2196/58497. PMID: 39137409; PMCID: PMC11350292.
[33] 07/2024
Healthcare Informatics Research
"Review of the 2024 Spring Conference of the Korean Society of Medical Informatics - Omnibus Omnia"
Lee J, Lee S, Baik SY, Ko T, Yang K, Lee Y. Review of the 2024 Spring Conference of the Korean Society of Medical Informatics - Omnibus Omnia. Healthc Inform Res. 2024 Jul;30(3):169-171. doi: 10.4258/hir.2024.30.3.169. Epub 2024 Jul 31. PMID: 39160776; PMCID: PMC11333812.
[32] 06/2024
Stud Health Technol Informatics
"Future Needs in Nursing Informatics - Preliminary Findings from the Global Nursing Informatics Survey"
von Gerich H, Alhuwail D, Badger MK, Block LJ, Eler GJ, Georgsson M, Lee J, Lokmic-Tomkins Z, Lozada-Perezmitre E, Pruinelli L, Ronquillo C, Shishido HY, Sommer J, Song J, Topaz M, Peltonen LM. Future Needs in Nursing Informatics - Preliminary Findings from the Global Nursing Informatics Survey. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2024 Jul 24;315:337-341. doi: 10.3233/SHTI240165. PMID: 39049279.
[31] 04/2024
Healthcare Informatics Research
"Empowering Healthcare through Comprehensive Informatics Education: The Status and Future of Biomedical and Health Informatics Education", Lee KH, Kim MG, Lee JH, Lee J, Cho I, Choi M, Han HW, Park M. Empowering Healthcare through Comprehensive Informatics Education: The Status and Future of Biomedical and Health Informatics Education. Healthc Inform Res. 2024 Apr;30(2):113-126. doi: 10.4258/hir.2024.30.2.113. Epub 2024 Apr 30. PMID: 38755102; PMCID: PMC11098769.
[30] 01/2024
Healthcare Informatics Research
"Technological Challenges and Solutions in Emergency Remote Teaching for Nursing: An International Cross-Sectional Survey", 30(1), 49-59, Jeon E, Peltonen LM, Block LJ, Ronquillo C, Tayaben JL, Nibber R, Pruinelli L, Perezmitre EL, Sommer J, Topaz M, Eler GJ, Shishido HY, Wardaningsih S, Sutantri S, Ali S, Alhuwail D, Abd-Alrazaq A, Akhu-Zaheya L, Lee YL, Shu SH, Lee J.
[29] 12/23
IMIA Yearbook of Medical Informatics
"Representation of Environmental Concepts Associated with Health Impacts in Computer Standardized Clinical Terminologies",Block, L. J., Lozada-Perezmitre, E., Cho, H., Davies, S., Lee, J., Lokmic-Tomkins, Z., Peltonen, L. M., Pruinelli, L., Reid, L., Song, J., Topaz, M., von Gerich, H., & Vyas, P. (2023). Representation of Environmental Concepts Associated with Health Impacts in Computer Standardized Clinical Terminologies. Yearbook of medical informatics, 32(1), 36–47. https://doi.org/10.1055/s-0043-1768746
PDF Link
[28] 12/23
"Verification of the Effects of Student-led Simulation with Team and Problem-Based Learning Class Training during COVID-19", 32(4), 27-39. 10.9709/JKSS.2023.32.4.027, Hana Kim, Mi-Ock Shim, Jisan Lee
PDF Link
[27] 11/2023
Journal of Medical Internet Research
“Digital Health Equity and Tailored Health Care Service for People with disability: User-Centered Design and Usability Study”, 25, 1-17, Sandeul Ha, Seung Hee Ho, Young-Hyeon Bae, Minyoung Lee, Juhee Kim, Jisan Lee, Ju Han Kim
[26] 05/2023
Journal of Health Informatics and Statistics
“mHealth Interventions to Promote Physical Activity of Adults in Korea: Health Equity-Focused Systematic Review”, 48, Hana Kim & Jisan Lee
[25] 04/2023
BMC Geriatrics
“Usability of a new digital walking program for older adults: a pilot study”, 193, Jisan Lee & Hyeongju Ryu
[24] 03/2023
JMIR mHealth and uHealth
“Menstrual Tracking Mobile App Review by Consumers and Health Care Providers: Quality Evaluations Study”, 11, Siyeon Ko, Jisan Lee, Doyeon An, Hyekyung Woo
[23] 11/2022
International Journal of Medical Informatics
“Validation and usability study of the framework for a user needs-centered mHealth app selection”, 167, Jisan Lee, Mikyoung Angela Lee
[22] 09/2022
Healthcare Informatics Research 2022
“Development of a Standardized Curriculum for Nursing Informatics in Korea”, 28(4), Jisan Lee, Myonghwa Park, Bonkhe Brian Dlamini, Jahyeon Kim, Min-Jung Kwak, Insook Cho, Mona Choi, Yul Ha Min, Bu Kyung Park, Seonah Lee
[21] 09/2022
Healthcare Informatics Research 2022
“Simulation Education Incorporating Academic Electronic Medical Records for Undergraduate Nursing Students: A pilot Study”, 28(4), Jisan Lee, Soomin Hong, Insook Cho, Myonghwa Park, Joo Yun Lee, Mona Choi
[20] 08/2022
BMC Public Health 22
“Breastfeeding mobile application for mothers with gestational diabetes mellitus: designed by mothers and experts”, 22(1), Jisan Lee, Seungmi Park, Eunju Kwak
[19] 01/2022
Journal of Medical Internet Research
Validity and Reliability of the Korean Version of the Health Information Technology Usability Evaluation Scale: Psychometric Evaluation,10(1), e28621, Jisan Lee, Rebecca Schnall
[18] 09/2021
Journal of Korean Medical Science-Peer Review
"Lack of Acceptance of Digital Healthcare in the Medical Market: Addressing Old Problems Raised by Various Clinical Professionals and Developing Possible Solutions", 36(37), e253, Jong Il Park, Hwa Young Lee, Hyunah Kim, Jisan Lee, Jiwon Shinn, Hun-Sung Kim
[17] 05/2021
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics (Stud Health Technol Inform)
Emergency Remote Learning in Nursing Education During the COVID-19 Pandemic, 281, 942-946, Eunjoo Jeon, Laura-Maria Peltonen, Lorraine Block..., and Jisan Lee
[16] 04/2021
Healthcare Informatics Research-Peer Review
"Review of National-Level Personal Health Records in Advanced Countries", 27(2), 102-109, Jisan Lee, Young-Taek Park, Yu Rang Park, Jae-Ho Lee
[15] 04/2021
Healthcare Informatics Research-Peer Review
"Popularization of Medical Information", 27(2), 110-115, Jisan Lee, Jougkwan Koh, Joug-Yeup Kim
[14] 09/2020
BMC Women's Health-Peer Review
"How Can We Improve Knowledge and Perceptions of Menstruation? A Mixed-methods Research Study", 20(1),1-11, Gayoung Moon, Inkyung Kim, Habhin Kim, Suwan Choem, Soyeon Jeon, Jeonghun Cho, Sujeong Hong, Jisan Lee
[13] 05/2020
Western Journal of Nursing Research-Peer Review
"Application Design for Child Obesity Management Based on Users’ Preferences and Needs", 42(5),356-364, Jisan Lee, Jeongeun Kim, Ahjung Byun, Meiling Jin, Meihua Piao, Kyungryeon Kwak, Hyeoiyun Lee
[12[ 01/2020
Computer Informatics Nursing-Peer Review
"The Purpose of Bedside Robots: Exploring the Needs of Inpatients and Healthcare Professionals", 38(1), 8-17, Hyeong Suk Lee, Meihua Piao, Jisan Lee, Ahjung Byun, Jeongeun Kim
[11] 05/2019
Drug Safety-Peer Review
"Development of controlled vocabulary-based adverse drug reaction-signal dictionary for multi-center electronic health record-based pharmacovigilance", 42(5), 657-670, Suehyun Lee, Jongsoo Han, Rae Woong Park, Grace Juyun Kim, John Hoon Rim, Jooyoung Cho, Kye Hwa Lee, Jisan Lee, Sujeong Kim & Ju Han Kim
[10] 04/2019
Healthcare Informatics Research-Peer Review
"Health Information Technology Trends in Social Media: Using Twitter Data", 25(2), 99-105, Jisan Lee,Jeongeun Kim, Yeong Joo Hong, Meihua Piao, Ahjung Byun , Healim Song, Hyeong Suk Lee
[9] 04/2019
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association-Peer Review
"Can menstrual health apps selected based on users’ needs change health-related factors? A double-blind randomized controlled trial", 26(7), 655-666, Jisan Lee, Jeongeun Kim
[8] 02/2019
Computer Informatics Nursing-Peer Review
"A Typology of Future Health Services by Exploring Core Concepts and Values", 37(2), 107-115, Kim, Jeongeun, PhD, RN; Piao, Meihua, PhD, RN; Byun, Ahjung, MSN, RN; Lee, Jisan, PhD, RN
PDF Link
[7] 01/2018
Electronic Commerce Research-Peer Review
"Why do young people use fitness apps? Cognitive characteristics and app quality", Page 1-7, Mijeong Park, Hana Yoo, Jeongeun Kim, Jisan Lee
[6] 01/2018
Computer Informatics Nursing–Peer Review
"Method of App Selection based on User's Needs for Healthcare Providers to Select the Best App for Consumers", 36(1), Jisan Lee, Jeongeun Kim
[5] 11/2017
Computer Informatics Nursing–Peer Review
“Beneficial effects of 2 types of personal health record services connected with electronic medical records within the hospital setting”, 35(11), Jisan Lee, James G. Boram Kim, Meiling Jin, Kiwhan Ahn, Byungjun Kim, Sukwha Kim, Jeongeun Kim
[4] 06/2016
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics-Peer Review
"A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Intervention for Pediatric Obesity Using Mobile Technology", 22(5), 491-494, Jisan Lee, Meihua Piao, Ahjung Byun, Jeongeun Kim
[3] 05/2016
Telemedicine & eHealth -Peer Review
“Development and efficacy testing of a social network-based competitive application for weight loss”, 22(5), 410-418, Jisan Lee, Jeongeun Kim
[2] 10/2015
Healthcare Informatics Research-Peer Review
"Prerequisites for the Effective Implementation of Telemedicine Focusing on the Current Situation in South Korea", 21(4), 251-254, Hyeoi-yun Lee, Jisan Lee, Jeongeun Kim
[1] 10/2014
Telemedicine & eHealth –Peer Review
“A health recreation program for u-healthcare clients: Effects on mental health”, 20(10), Jisan Lee, Jeongeun Kim, Suyong Jeong, Hanna Choi, Meiling Jin, Sukwha Kim
03/2023 – Present
Assistant Professor, Gangneung-Wonju National University, College of Health and Welfare, Department of Nursing
03/2018 – 02/2023
Assistant Professor, Hoseo University, College of Life and Health Sciences, Department of Nursing
03/2018 – 02/2019
Assistant Professor, Catholic University of Pusan, College of Nursing
02/2005 – 02/2009
Staff Nurse, Seoul National University Hospital, Neonate Intensive Care Unit
05/2016 – 02/2018
Research Assistant, Seoul National University Hospital
09/2014 – 02/2018
Research Assistant, Seoul National University, College of Medicine
08/2013 – 02/2018
Teaching Assistant, Seoul National University, College of Nursing
03/2012 – 02/2018
Research Assistant, Seoul National University, College of Nursing
03/2013 – 12/2014
Administrative Assistant, The Korea Society for Patient Safety
03/2013 – 02/2014
Administrative Assistant, Games for Health Korea Forum
[AWARD] Best Presentation Award (Oral Persentation) from 12th International Nursing Conferences, Korean Sodiety of Nursing Science
[AWARD] the Grand Prize Award: Idea Machine & Implementation Battel (IMIB), Seoul National University, College of Nursing
[AWARD] Participation Award: Idea Machine & Implementation Battel (IMIB), Seoul National University, College of Nursing
11/2015 – 02/2016
[SCHALORSHIP] Study Aboard Scholarship, Seoul National University, The Office of International Affairs
[AWARD] Excellent Scientific Paper Award from KOSMI (Korean Society of Medical Informatics) conference
09/2013 – 02/2018
[SCHOLARSHIP] Scholarship for Teaching and Research Assistance, Seoul National University, College of Nursing
Director of Education: Korean Society of Medical Informatics
대한의료정보학회 - 교육이사
Director: The Korean Society of Patient Safety
대한환자안전학회 - 무임소 이사
Chair: IMIA-SEP-NI (International Medical Informatics Association- Student and Emerging Professor - Nursing Informatics) Working Group
Expert member: Korea Health Information Service-Health Care Data Deliberating Council Expert
대한의료정보학회 학술위원회 - 학술위원
Member: Korean Society of Medical Informatics-The Korean Society of Medical Informatics
대한의료정보학회 간호정보특별 - 위원
Councilor: The Korean Society of Medical Informatics
대한의료정보학회 - 평의원
Examiners : Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing
대한간호학회지 - 심사위원
Member: Korean Society of Nursing sclence-Academic Committee
한국간호과학회 학술위원회 - 위원
Member: Educational Advisory Group Korea Institute for Healthcare Accreditation
의료기관평가인증원 교육자문단 - 위원
Member: Korean Society of Medical Informatics-Nursing Information Committee
대한의료정보학회 간호정보위원회 - 위원
Expert member: korea Health Information Service-Health Care Data Deliberating Council Expert
한국보건의료정보원 - 보건의료 데이터 심의 전문위원
Member: Global Digital Health Partnership-Evidence and Evaluation
대한의료정보학회 간호정보위원회 - 위원
Global Digital Health Partnership, GDHP: Ministry of Health and Welfare
보건복지부, Global Digital Health Partner(국내추진단) - 의료인과 소비자 참여 분과 위원
Member: The Korean Society of Medical Informatics-Nursing Informatics
대한의료정보학 간호정보위원회 - 위원
Councilor: The Korean Society of Medical Informatics
의료정보학회 - 평의원
2018- Present
Planning director: Big data Clinical Research Group
2016 – Present
Member: IMIA-NISIG Student Working Group
2014 – Present
Member: The Korean Society of Medical Informatics
대한의학정보학회 - 위원

2024 - 공동출판
보건의료정보학, 대한의료정보학회, 군자출판사
2021 - 공동출판
제 3판 최신간호정보학, 박현애 조인숙 외, 현문사, p201-219

08/2014 – 02/2018
Ph.D. in Medical Informatics, Seoul National University, College of Medicine
11/2015 – 02/2016
Visiting Researcher, Arizona State University
03/2012 – 08/2014
M.Sc in Nursing informatics, Seoul National University, College of Nursing
02/2005 – 02/2009
BSN in Nursing, Yonsei University, Wonju, College of Medicine
08/2021 - 08/2024
Healthdata Review committee member, Korea Health Information Service
10/2019 - 02/2020
Professor of AI education: Hoseo University, College of Life & Health Sciences
03/2016 – 08/2016
Chairman of Graduate Students: Seoul National University, College of Nursing
03/2016 – 08/2016
Chairman of Teaching Assistance, Seoul National University, College of Nursing
[APPOINTMENT] Mentor of Undergraduate Students (Yonsei University, Wonju College of Medicine)
[CERTIFICATE] Certificated Physician in BioMedical Informatics, The Korea Society of Medical Informatics
[CERTIFICATE] R for Bioinformatics and Biomedicine, Bioinformatics and Biomedicine education center in Seoul National University Hospital
[CERTIFICATE] Meta-analysis methods in Nursing research, Seoul National University, College of Nursing
[CERTIFICATE] Evidence-based Medicine-Systematic Review, NECA (National Evidence-based Healthcare Collaborating Agency)
[CERTIFICATE] Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python)(University of Michigan)
09/2011 – 10/2011
[CERTIFICATE] Nursing Progress for Intensive Care Unit Patients, Seoul National University Hospital
[CERTIFICATE] TKT Module 1, Band 3, Teaching Knowledge Test, University of Cambridge
[LICENSE] Registered Nurse, Ministry of Health and Welfare in Korea
[CERTIFICATE] Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages(TESOL) Certificate, St.George International College

07/2017 – 02/2018
[RESEARCH ASSOCIATE] A design research for the innovative children’s hospital with Robot-care, Game-care and Edu-care by multidisciplinary approach
05/2016 – 02/2018
[RESEARCH ASSOCIATE] Telepresence robot system development for the support of POC (Point Of Care) service associated with ICT technology
03/2016 – 09/2016
[RESEARCH ASSISTANT] Recent trend in Health IT: Analysis based on SNS data
11/2015 – Present
[RESEARCH MANAGER] Future Healthcare Service Design for DIY Health Management “Health Navi, Health Map, Health Bank”
06/2014 – 12/2014
[RESEARCH ASSISTANT] Analysis of the Health Information Portal “Health iN” and Building Its Content Development Strategy from A Single Payer’s Perspective
09/2013 – 08/2014
[RESEARCH ASSISTANT] Future Health Design: Development of DIY (Do It Yourself) Healthcare Modeling & Game-care with Digital Health Avatar and Gamified Health Management Platform
03/2013 – 02/2017
[RESEARCH ASSISTANT] Systems Biomedical Informatics Research Center: Semantic Self
03/2013 – 09/2013
[RESEARCH ASSISTANT] Development of Smart Home Technology for Healthcare of Elderly
11/2013 – 10/2014
[RESEARCH ASSISTANT] Consumer-centered Open Personal Health Record Platform and Services Development